Welcome to our new boudoir studios!

After months of hard work, organisation and vision to get the new Freedom Photography studios ready, we’ve been flexing our creative muscles this week as we now have, not one, but TWO new studio spaces to explore (not to mention, a lovely egg shell blue feature wall to play with…!)

For those wondering what the new Freedom studio is like, let us give you a bit of a visual: We have a gallery space come hallway which leads to our new custom built make up room, our brand new flash studio with it’s own infinity wall (nom nom nom) and our enormous natural light studio which features several wallpaper backdrops, a bespoke window, and fully mobile light rigs.

Oh, and did we mention surround sound?

In fact, we don’t know if we’re more excited about our studio spaces or the new cinema room we’ve built in for our clients to experience their photographs in!

Ringo, our site manager/ doggy mascot seems a little more interested in his new dog bed in the upstairs office, but we reckon the place gets his wag of approval.

Anyway, here are some of the exquisite photos we took on our new wallpaper today. We think this may become a new favourite…